Are you considering making a career change but aren’t sure what to do? Or maybe you’re just about to start working and are curious about the light industrial world. Here are some important things to know about the industry before you pursue what might be a great new career path for you! What You Need […]
Posts Categorized: Career Development
The Importance and Benefits of Performance Reviews
It’s an annual practice that might cause groans and frustration from everyone at your company, from the big boss on down the line: Performance reviews. It can be hard for employees and managers alike to try and recall all the events, achievements and lessons from the previous year, plus it takes a lot of time […]
How to go from Temp to Perm
In the beginning, you were curious about the prospect of taking a temporary job because it allowed you to bring home a paycheck while learning a new job — and the lack of long-term commitment felt like a good idea. What if you didn’t like the job or your coworkers? But now you’ve spent time […]
Does Networking Really Matter?
Remember when you were a kid and you were so nervous on the first day of school? Maybe it was a brand new school and you didn’t know anyone yet; maybe it was a shift from elementary to middle school and you weren’t sure how you’d find your way around. What made it easier? Finding […]
Here’s How Therapy Could Improve Your Career and Work Life
We live in stressful times and there are new demands placed on us, from work and home, all the time. It can be hard to find the wherewithal to cope, to make it through each day, to know which priorities are the biggest ones right now. It’s going to be ok. Take a deep breath […]
How to Move Up the Ladder in the Manufacturing Industry This Year
Your career journey in the manufacturing industry isn’t always a straight line – don’t be afraid to make different moves, especially if you aren’t currently employed. Here are the top steps for finding growth in your manufacturing career this year. Education Higher education is a great way to guarantee career elevation in the manufacturing […]
Common Mistakes People Make When Asking for a Promotion
Are you ready for a promotion? If it’s your first time, you may be susceptible to poor choices and bad advice. Not knowing how to proceed shouldn’t prevent you from getting in the game and attempting to gain the promotion you’ve been seeking. Avoid these mistakes when asking for it. Poor Timing Getting your nerve […]
Top Skills a Supervisor Should Have
What makes a supervisor? You may be in charge of thousands of employees, or maybe just a few. Managers have a different standard to meet. You have to go above and beyond when you’re in a leadership position. This may require learning new ways to guide your team and inspire success. We’re here to break […]
What Are Power Words and How Can You Utilize Them on Your Resume?
Grabbing attention during the job hunt can be so challenging. A stale, dull resume will bore any hiring manager, so if you’re not getting the call for an interview, your resume may be missing the punch it needs to command a second look. Today, our professionals are going over what power words are and how they […]
Become a Stand-Out Administrative Assistant with These 5 Skills
As an admin, you are likely responsible for a number of moving parts in the workplace. Administrative roles tend to be the glue that keeps the organization together. Your office may rely on admin assistants to keep small details in mind and keep the workflow moving throughout the year. If you’re looking to further your […]