Tips for Excelling in Management in the Manufacturing Department


Let’s be honest: Being a manager is a lot of hard work. It can feel like everyone on your team needs something from you all at the same time. It might be easy for that pesky imposter syndrome to creep in and make you wonder if you’re not built to be a manager, especially in […]

Mastering Time Management: Expert Tips for Boosting Productivity and Efficiency as the Holidays Approach


The weather outside might be delightful right now, but it’ll be frightful soon — which means the holidays also will be coming up before you know it.  The end of the year is such a busy time for your whole company: There are year-end reports to be run, projects to finish, deadlines to meet, all […]

How to Pull Yourself out of the Mid-Week Slump


Weekdays are kind of weird, aren’t they? They each have a distinct feel: Monday brings the ho-hums of the weekend being over; Tuesday feels kind of blah; Wednesday is that awkward middle moment of reaching the top of the hill and knowing you’re halfway to the weekend; Thursday is where we feel the most focused […]

How to Navigate the Emotions of Being A Leader


We all have bad days. We all have stressful meetings at work. We all have personal matters from home that creep into the workplace. It’s ok! It’s all part of being human.  But when you’re a manager, or in a leadership role, it can be challenging to keep things under control. You want to appear […]

How to Establish a Positive Work-Life Balance 


Despite the buzzy nature of this phrase, the concept of a healthy work-life balance really does matter. It helps everyone in your company, including you, feel more focused at work and more present while off the clock, without worrying that you (or your employees) should be working.  Work-life balance is a simple concept that can […]

Want To Help Your Employee Advance In Their Careers? Here Are 5 Ways You Can Contribute


A plant that outgrows its container will eventually wilt.  The same is true for employees: If they feel like they don’t have room to grow in their current job, they’ll face the choice of either staying where they are, with their skills withering from lack of growth, or they’ll break out and leave to go […]

How to Respond When Employees Make a Mistake


As much as we try to be diligent and careful and do our jobs flawlessly, sometimes people make mistakes. Unfortunately, that includes your employees.  If an employee comes to you and admits they’ve made a mistake, or you find an error in their work, remember it’s not the end of the world. It’s a learning […]

6 Questions Every Manager Should Ask in One-on-One Meetings


Regardless of how often they happen, one-on-one meetings between managers and their employees are essential for both participants.  Managers, this is your chance to find out whether your employees are thriving or falling behind, whether there’s a problem that needs to be addressed, or they have a great idea to help solve a nagging issue.  […]

Prepare for a Productive 2022 for Your Workforce Using These 5 Tips


  We have a brand new year on the horizon. That usually means new year’s resolutions for any and all goals, from eating more healthy foods and saving money to reading more books. Why can’t it mean setting goals for your workforce too? As a leader, you can help set the tone for your team […]

Re-Onboarding for a New World of Work


It’s been a very long and stressful 18 months or more. It’s been challenging to keep your company running while employees were working remotely, or in a hybrid setting, or while clients and customers shifted their operating expenses. Everything has changed. But things are starting, slowly, to stabilize. Vaccines are available for those who want […]