Are you ready for a promotion? If it’s your first time, you may be susceptible to poor choices and bad advice. Not knowing how to proceed shouldn’t prevent you from getting in the game and attempting to gain the promotion you’ve been seeking. Avoid these mistakes when asking for it.
Poor Timing
Getting your nerve up to request a promotion can feel intimidating and can take you time. However, it’s important to push yourself and make sure you don’t miss your opportunity. As much as you may want to prepare yourself, you also don’t want to find out you waited too long, and the job is already taken! Schedule a sitdown with your supervisor to discuss it as soon as possible, and use the time in between to prepare. Try to avoid a bad or busy day to keep communication positive.
Compliments are kind, but you should avoid anything close to sucking up to get a promotion. Not only will you risk poisoning your relationship with your boss, but you’ll also jeopardize the trust between you and your coworkers. Get the promotion by proving your merit, rather than expecting special treatment through the use of flattery and suggestion.
Assuming It’s the Right Move
One of the biggest lessons can be whether or not your desired promotion is the right step in your career path. It’s possible that instead of providing relief from a tough position, you may find yourself more entrenched in an organization that doesn’t allow you to explore all of your abilities. Know when a move is right for you, or when it should wait. Maybe you don’t have the necessary experience but don’t see it. Either way, take a close look at your long-term career goals and make sure that promotion aligns within your path before you accept it.
Navigate Your Career with Davis Staffing
For more information on navigating the next step in your career path, check out Davis Staffing’s website today!