A message from your marketing team comes through: someone posted a scathing comment about your business. You immediately worry about your team, your existing and potential clients, and your company’s reputation. Social media and online interactions can be dangerous and even devastating to a company, so it’s important to catch this fast and do some […]
It happens in every work environment at one time or another. People walking around grumbling, not being very productive, missing work days, and having a general bad attitude about things. What are we talking about here? It’s low employee morale. It sneaks in like a virus, infecting one employee and then over a matter of […]
At the end of each year, many employers choose to conduct their annual performance reviews. This is to help establish fair compensation increases and to set new performance goals for the coming year. Yet, for a vast majority of employees, the performance review process is negative and creates a great deal of worry. Why do […]
Onboarding is the process of showing new employees around, providing detailed orientation and training, and making sure they have all the necessary information to start work successfully. Too many companies hire employees and give just an hour presentation to the new hire and then let them fend for themselves. This is not only damaging to […]
Social media is on the rise in businesses today…for companies both large and small. In fact, if you want to compete, whether on a local or global scale, you almost have to embrace social media marketing in order to solidify your brand as a business and as an employer. Of course for most businesses, large […]
It’s that time of year again when human resources professionals everywhere begin the task of doing annual employee performance reviews. While this is a necessary aspect of planning the costs of staffing, annual reviews are also a time for employees to reflect on their performance to come up with goals for the upcoming year. It […]
Every year, thousands of company human resource managers embark on the arduous task of conducting employee performance evaluations. This is a necessary aspect of planning annual salaries, bonuses and staff augmentation for the upcoming fiscal year. However dreadful it may seem for employees worried about getting their raises, it’s equally nerve-wracking for the HR department. […]
An annual performance review can spark an anxiety attack in some people. There is nothing worse than sitting down, looking your boss in the eye and hearing about all of the things you don’t do right. However, instead of looking at an annual performance review as a time to worry consider it an opportunity to […]
You have worked all year to boost your employer’s view of you and while you admit that you’ve made a few mistakes along the way, you want to ace that annual performance review. Most companies gather data from each employee’s work throughout the year and compile it into a concise, organized review. You sit down […]