January 1 brings with it each year a brand new blank slate, an opportunity for starting over fresh and adopting new habits. It’s a great time to make little changes to help improve your life! If you’re not sure where to start, or if change makes you uncomfortable, starting small still counts as starting. Why […]
The weather outside might be delightful right now, but it’ll be frightful soon — which means the holidays also will be coming up before you know it. The end of the year is such a busy time for your whole company: There are year-end reports to be run, projects to finish, deadlines to meet, all […]
We all have the same number of hours in the workday, but have you noticed that some people seem to get a lot more completed in those hours than others? The key to a productive day is time management. The good news is, with just a few changes in your day, you can boost your […]
The idea of the eight-hour workday is a bit of a misnomer. We shouldn’t work for eight hours straight because our brains need breaks! Our eyes get tired staring at screens; our legs get tired standing for hours on end; our minds need to stop working so hard, every so often, in order to be […]
We live in stressful times and there are new demands placed on us, from work and home, all the time. It can be hard to find the wherewithal to cope, to make it through each day, to know which priorities are the biggest ones right now. It’s going to be ok. Take a deep breath […]
We have a brand new year on the horizon. That usually means new year’s resolutions for any and all goals, from eating more healthy foods and saving money to reading more books. Why can’t it mean setting goals for your workforce too? As a leader, you can help set the tone for your team […]
With a job force filled with various generations, you have to adjust your management style to appear to different age structures. Our modern workplaces demand an understanding that there will be a multitude of different people with different perspectives. From young new hires to veterans in the field, here’s how you can do it! Effective Feedback […]
Every year, thousands of company human resource managers embark on the arduous task of conducting employee performance evaluations. This is a necessary aspect of planning annual salaries, bonuses and staff augmentation for the upcoming fiscal year. However dreadful it may seem for employees worried about getting their raises, it’s equally nerve-wracking for the HR department. […]
The benefits of incentive plans should not be limited to just full time workers. Short-term employees are also deserving of bonuses and incentives for work well done. Since the main goal of employee incentive plans is to encourage higher performance and motivation at work, it only makes sense that all levels of employees will respond […]