How to Avoid Burnout


Do you ever feel like your brain is a detuned radio, full of static and crossed signals, kind of jumbled, and you can’t quite think clearly?  Do you find yourself irritable at work, angry for no reason, maybe even bringing sensitivities home to your family and friends?  If you’re feeling overwhelmed and don’t know where […]

How to Engage Your Team for National Safety Month


Injuries on the job can occur regardless of the kind of industry in which you operate. Losing an employee to injury, especially one that happens while on the clock, can create many headaches, from workers comp paperwork and loss of productivity to increased stress among your team and concerns about the overall safety of your […]

 5 Workplace Safety Tips Every Employee Should Know


Given how much time we all spend at work, it should be among the safest places we can be. But even “safe” looking work environments, ones in which hard hats are not required or even considered, can present hazards.  Here are five tips to keep yourself safe while at work, regardless of where “work” is.  […]

Is Your Business Missing This Key Component of Onboarding? 


Onboarding, or new employee orientation, or whatever you call the process of getting a new employee set up and prepared to start work, is a critical component of the hiring process.  The problem is that most companies start engaging their new employees on their first day instead of working with them from the time they […]

New to Manufacturing? Here’s How to Approach Your Interview


Whether it’s time for a change or you’re just getting started, preparing for a job interview in the manufacturing industry can feel a little intimidating. You might not be sure what to expect or how to prepare, and you want to make a great first impression.  The good news is, you’ve already made a good […]

Kick Start Culture Change: 3 Things You Can Implement Today


It’s not just a buzzword or some social media trend: Your company’s culture matters. It can shape the way your employees feel about where they work; influence your retention rate; change how easy or difficult it is to recruit new employees, and so much more. Positive company culture helps employees feel supported and appreciated; a […]

These 4 Simple Habits Can Improve Your Work Day


We spend so much time at work and thinking about work that it can become all-consuming. We might not always feel like we’re getting enough done or putting our best effort forward.  Luckily, a few little changes can make every day at work a good one! You might even feel a little better about your […]

7 Powerful Employee Engagement Tips for Manufacturing


Manufacturing is not an easy industry to work in. Many companies will operate around the clock, at grueling paces and with high demands on workers, both mentally and physically.  It can be tricky, then, to keep your employees engaged and their morale high, but it’s not impossible!  Seven Ways to Keep Your Employees Engaged and […]

Are You Making This Interview Mistake? 3 Strategies to Avoid It


The big day is here: It’s time for you to interview with a job you’re excited about. Everything about the job sounds like a perfect fit for you, which makes the pre-interview butterflies extra fluttery in the pit of your stomach.  The time comes and you walk in. You’re nervous about making a mistake. It’s […]

The Great Rehire: How Your Business Can Change Your Recruiting Strategy


The Great Resignation might be fading, but some concepts it brought to light will remain priorities for workers for the foreseeable future. Employees want to maintain a better work-life balance and that means an interest in remote or hybrid working, flexible schedules and working at a place where they feel valued and paid what they’re […]