Best Practices for Employee Onboarding


Bringing on a new employee is an exciting time! There’s so much for them to learn, so many people to meet and so much paperwork to fill out. It’s also exciting for the team as they welcome a new member and prepare for a new chapter.  But onboarding can be overwhelming: we can only learn […]

Is Your Business Missing This Key Component of Onboarding? 


Onboarding, or new employee orientation, or whatever you call the process of getting a new employee set up and prepared to start work, is a critical component of the hiring process.  The problem is that most companies start engaging their new employees on their first day instead of working with them from the time they […]

How to Ensure a New Hire’s Success in the First Few Months


The onboarding process is critical for both managers and new hires. As a manager, you want to make a favorable impression of your company, give your new employee the tools they need to succeed on the job and make a long-term effort to retain this staff member. For a new worker, they’re looking to absorb […]

Onboarding Doesn’t Stop After the First Day


Welcoming newcomers to the team is a great way to make them feel involved for the first day on the job. But how do you continue the process past first introductions? Employee retention is essential – the last thing you want as a leader is to be trapped in a cycle of constant hiring with […]