Tips for Excelling in Management in the Manufacturing Department


Let’s be honest: Being a manager is a lot of hard work. It can feel like everyone on your team needs something from you all at the same time. It might be easy for that pesky imposter syndrome to creep in and make you wonder if you’re not built to be a manager, especially in […]

Debunking 3 Common Myths about Staffing Firms


Hiring new people is a big process that takes up a lot of your precious time. You have other things you’d rather be doing — other things that need your attention — and now you have to add reviewing resumes and setting up interviews to your ever-growing to-do list.  Except maybe you don’t. If you […]

Low-Cost Incentive Plans: Strategies to Attract More Talent Without Increasing Pay Rates


It’s a delicate balance to strike: Companies want to attract the best and brightest talent, building  the strongest team possible, but the economy might have other ideas when it comes to methods for bringing those candidates in and retaining your current employees. By January, your operating budget for 2024 should be established, giving you a […]

What Are The Best Methods to Manage Your Email Inbox?


How many times a day do you get distracted by the little email notification popping up in the bottom corner of your screen? We’ve conditioned ourselves to have a nearly Pavlovian response to that little envelope: We simply must drop everything and see what’s going on, otherwise we might miss something important or anger someone […]