How to Build a Culture in a Large Company


Nearly every business has an idea of what corporate culture should look like. But, it can be difficult to build a strong corporate brand in a larger company because everyone has different ideas of what it should be and people are often spread out in different regions. Building a strong culture is possible in a […]

Tell Stories to Improve Presentations


Have you ever had to listen to a dry and long-winded business presentation? How about one where the presenter shared an interesting experience? What was the difference in how you received the presentation?  What do you remember from that presentation in the days, weeks, months or even years following? There’s a good chance you enjoyed […]

Make Your Temporary Workers Feel Welcome


Any company will need temporary workers from time to time. A sudden rush, peak times, shortage of manpower, employees calling in sick or going on abrupt leaves, sporadic business growth and any other operational demands can call for temporary workers. Now, companies and the temporary workers, both parties are aware that it is a contractual […]

How to Deal with Workplace Bullies


Bullies at work are a big pain. Not only are they usually difficult to manage as employees, but they bring down the entire organization by tormenting other workers and even clients. They are not suited to work on teams, and they tear down the productivity and morale of any company. Episodes of workplace bullying seem to […]

Convey the Importance of Customer Service to Your Manufacturing Team


When one thinks of customer service skills, it’s easy to picture companies that cater to retail, financial, technology, health care and hospitality. All of those industries consistently deal with customers on a face-to-face basis. But in truth, all industries need to prepare and train their people for excellent customer service because it reflects a dedication […]

Bilingual Skills Stand Out in the Job Market


Many companies operate on a global scale, therefore they value candidates who are bilingual the most for their ability to communicate with clients from other countries. In fact, a Rosetta Stone survey revealed that bilingual employees earn at least $10,000 more per year than other employees. In regions and industries where being fluent in a second […]

Embrace Your Next Career Networking Event


Networking events are an important part of your career. However, they can be stressful, overwhelming and even downright annoying for some people. But, you must understand that networking events can provide a big break in your career. You could be introduced to potential employers, future co-workers and even future employees. Even if you are not […]

Safety Starts at the Top of the Organization


Safety in the workplace should always be at the top of the list of business priorities. In fact, it is a legal obligation to provide a safe environment for employees and others who step foot on your company property. According to a survey from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the U.S. Department […]

3 Ways to Develop Your Own Employees and Watch Them Prosper


If you want your business to prosper, then you must take the time to invest in your employees. Why? Good people are hard to find, and loyal employees are even rarer, so the more you invest in the learning and developing of your teams, the more they will give back to your business. While you […]

See What Changes Are Happening In Steel Factories


Steel factories do not run the way they used to. In fact, they have changed quite a bit over the past decade. Take, for example, the ArcelorMittal in Burns Harbor, Indiana on Lake Michigan. The company operates a program known as the Steelworker for the Future program. This program enrolls people who want to work […]