Discover Your Benefits: Unveiling Davis Staffing’s Offerings


If you’re looking for a new job but haven’t had much luck on your own, it’s time to consider partnering with Davis Staffing.  With more than 60 years of experience in introducing talented candidates to our great clients to form solid working relationships, Davis Staffing has grown from a temporary job service in Matteson, Illinois, […]

Navigating HR Employment Law Changes: The Evolution of Illinois Paid Leave


It’s critically important for every employer to be aware of changes to state and federal regulations and laws, as failure to maintain compliance can result in fines or audits.  On January 1, employers in Illinois will be required to provide paid time off to all employees, at a rate of 40 hours per year. Employees […]

Mastering Time Management: Expert Tips for Boosting Productivity and Efficiency as the Holidays Approach


The weather outside might be delightful right now, but it’ll be frightful soon — which means the holidays also will be coming up before you know it.  The end of the year is such a busy time for your whole company: There are year-end reports to be run, projects to finish, deadlines to meet, all […]

Motivating & Reengage your Team this Summer


Forget the holidays: The turn of the dreary winter into the revitalizing spring and vibrant summer is the most wonderful time of the year! The bright sunshine, the lovely breeze, the flowers and trees thriving — it’s beautiful and boosts everyone’s spirits. It’s also the time when people tend to start daydreaming a little more, […]

How to Establish a Positive Work-Life Balance 


Despite the buzzy nature of this phrase, the concept of a healthy work-life balance really does matter. It helps everyone in your company, including you, feel more focused at work and more present while off the clock, without worrying that you (or your employees) should be working.  Work-life balance is a simple concept that can […]

What You Should Do Before Accepting A Job Offer


Congratulations! After looking for a new position for what might feel like an eternity, you’ve gone through the interview process and have received an offer for a new job that feels like a great fit. That’s fantastic!  Even if you’re thrilled about it, you don’t have to say yes right away.  But before you accept, […]