The good news is, there was a great response to your most recent job posting. Candidates are submitting resumes left, right, and center, and there’s a pile of cover letters just waiting to be reviewed. The bad news is, there’s a pile of cover letters waiting to be reviewed. After a while, they might all […]
Posts Tagged: staffing
Hiring Based on Business Strategy Instead of Job Title
Where do you want to be next year? In five years? In ten? While these are common questions to ask during the interview process with new candidates, they are also worth contemplating when it comes to expanding your company. Instead of focusing on adding more high-level titles, or adding to your leadership ranks, look at […]
Organizing Your Finances in 6 Easy Steps
It’s been a long, trying year — almost two of them! — and maybe your finances aren’t in the strongest place. The bills keep coming in and the bank accounts are looking a little tight to keep pace. Feeling the pressure is common and understandable, but don’t lose hope! There are easy ways to get […]
Fatigue: 5 Reasons it is one of the Top Hazards in the Workplace
Ever been bone-tired, waiting for your next rest? That’s fatigue. You may be feeling it because of personal reasons or if you’re feeling overworked. Avoiding fatigue is essential, which is why proper rest can really help you come to work each day at 100%. Anytime you are experiencing drowsiness, fatigue is the mental and physical […]
What to Wear to a Light Industrial Interview
You submit an updated resume, you passed the phone screen, and it’s time to make your in-person first impression. Professionalism depends on presenting your best self, and half of that comes from your appearance. Not only do you want to show you know what to wear, but you’ll also feel confident dressing the part. […]
How to Tell If Your Candidate is As Ambitious as They Say They Are
Interviewing can be challenging – you can get a qualified resume but watch someone totally flop when in-person. Or you find that a candidate seems like a good fit for the role, but they did not meet expectations. Interviews are based on perception, not execution, so you’ll have to put in the extra work if […]
Are You Providing Safety Training Often Enough?
Protecting your team is always the top priority, but day-to-day tasks can distract from the overarching mission of safety and efficiency within your organization. For National Safety Month, we’re reviewing how often you need to provide safety training for your team. Regular Training Standards Generally, training should occur on an annual basis. A once-per-year refresher […]
Women in Manufacturing: The Key to Success
Manufacturers have many challenges in 2021, but the dominant one emerging is attaining and maintaining a strong staff. A warehouse or production line is nothing without a quality workforce that can navigate efficiency and safety. This means discovering new candidate categories previously overlooked, and the results have been very positive. Change is coming, and manufacturers […]
World Health Day Regaining Health and Economic Strength in 2021
World Health Day has been celebrated each year since 1948 on April 7th. The World Health Organization promotes this celebration yearly to promote awareness of health concerns. If we learned anything in the last year, it is that most of us take our health for granted. Whether you are recovering from COVID-19, or managed to avoid it, you may […]
Rethink the Resume: How Else To Evaluate Candidates

The resume is tried and true – but is it the best method of assessment? You’ve likely interviewed plenty of candidates, screened dozens of resumes, and you’re used to the traditional resume > interview > offer pipeline. But what if there’s a more effective way? We’re here to get you thinking about your traditional hiring […]