Resume Tips To Set You Up for Success 2/3: Attracting With Numbers


Resume Tips To Set You Up for Success

When you provide numbers & facts, it provides a certain level of proof on your resume. A data-driven resume stands out among the rest. Most job candidates use action words to describe their duties and spend paragraphs rambling about their achievements. If you want to cut through the noise and stand out, you need numbers. […]

3 of the Best Motivational TED Talks


Woman giving a speech

Stuck in a rut in your current position? Can’t find a way to make the first move to free yourself? It can be hard to find motivation when you find yourself trapped in a role that doesn’t allow you to perform at your peak. For a driving force that can help springboard your success, here […]

4 Ways to Optimize an Illinois Job Description


Recruiting candidates for your company in Illinois often starts with creating job advertisements on career pages that appeal to the market. There are a number of competitors in many of the main cities in Illinois, including Chicago. Your business will only succeed if you have the cream of the crop in terms of employees. Therefore, […]

4 Questions to Ask an Employer to Make Sure They are a Good Fit for You


Interview Advice from an Illinois Staffing Agency Going on a job interview can be exciting, nerve-wracking, stressful and thrilling all at once. Every job seeker knows that they should be prepared for the interview by doing some research about the company prior to meeting with the interviewer. This preparation often includes having multiple copies of […]

Should I Include a Photo on My Resume?


Illinois Staffing Agency Tip: Should I Include a Photo on My Resume? With many job seekers turning to social networks to find work, it’s not surprising that some wonder if a photo can be as effective on a resume as it is on a social profile. Resumes are just one of the various tools that […]

How to Find Staffing Agencies in Illinois


Trying to find work can be difficult in Illinois and any other state, which is why many employees turn to staffing agencies. Staffing agencies work with both employees and employers, making them popular with job seekers who’d like to connect with hiring companies. In the state of Illinois, staffing agencies can help job seekers obtain […]

The Interview Trick to Success | Job Search


Interviewing candidates can get old really fast, particularly if you have a stack of applicants to go through. At times, it feels more like an interrogation than a productive method for getting to the root of a candidate’s core personality and skills. If only there was a secret to conducting interviews successfully. The good news […]

The Warning Signs Of Job Search Anxiety…and How To Avoid The Issue


Looking for a new job can be a stressful process for anyone. The fear of the unknown and the feeling of not being in control can cause anxiety. Some people worry they may not be able to find employment especially in an economic downturn. Job seekers may become frustrated with continual rejection from employers. Recognizing […]