An annual performance review can spark an anxiety attack in some people. There is nothing worse than sitting down, looking your boss in the eye and hearing about all of the things you don’t do right. However, instead of looking at an annual performance review as a time to worry consider it an opportunity to learn more and to improve your career next year.
Annual Review Time
If you are dealing with an annual review, it is time to consider your future goals and desires. Where do you want to be at the end of 2012? Considering this information, look at your annual review is an evaluation of your ability to reach those long-term goals. Here are some things to keep in mind.
The Right Position
Are you in the position you are most qualified for and desire to be in at your job? If not, during your annual review, tell your employer this. Let them know where you would like to be at the end of the year or beyond. The review is a good way for you to learn what you need to do to get into that position.
Know the Goals
Do you know the goals set forth by your employer for your position? Do you have a quota to meet or do you have a specific sales potential to hit? If so, how are you doing working towards those goals? You should know where you stand heading into the annual review. Most importantly, you should use this opportunity to learn how to exceed your goals next year.
Don’t Overwhelm Yourself
Some people head into an annual review with the expectation of perfection only to become frustrated when they hear small things they could improve on. It is the job of the reviewer to provide you with not only good information but also areas where you can improve. Don’t fret over the small stuff, but do plan to work towards improving those areas for next year.
Know Your Previous Reviews
Have you looked at last year’s performance review? If not, now is a good time to do just that. Have you improved in the areas the company told you to improve on? Have you met this year’s goals based on last year’s annual review? You may want to have information to back up this information in your review this year. Also, make note of what your personal goals are for improving your work performance. Present these during your review.
By showing initiative and showing that you really do want to improve, any performance review can be turned into a positive experience. See it as an opportunity to prove where you want to be next year and how you plan to get to that point through the changes you make. Be receptive about the information provided by your reviewer. Use this information to shape your career during 2012.
Worried about your annual review, and want more tips on how to handle your career better? Consult with the career experts at Davis Staffing today!