Finding a job is difficult. That is something that has not changed. What has changed is the number of ways you can now find jobs. Consider the mobile app, for example. There are now numerous job apps available that you can access from your smartphone. That means that the next time you playing Angry Birds, […]
Job Search Tips: Stay Connected Through Networking Without Being a Pest
The importance of using social media and social networking to land a job is easy to see. More employers are using these networks to find key employees. Rather than big job boards, many employers want to network to find the candidate that is right for them in the employment pool. However, there is a very […]
Employment Laws That Will Affect Your Business in 2012
The New Year brings a great many good things for millions of small businesses around the nation, as well as some challenges in terms of employment laws and reform taking place now. These HR and employment laws can and will affect your business in 2012 in both positive and negative way. The best course of […]
Smart Business Technology Resolutions for 2012
As your company puts another year behind it and gears up for the New Year ahead, it’s time for making some updates to the technology you use in your business. By focusing on technology that can make your company more efficient and productive, you’ll be one-step ahead of your competitors. Here is a review of […]
How to Find a Brand New Job in 2012
2012 has just begun. Millions of job seekers are hoping this is the year where they will see a real turnaround in the job market. The problem is that those millions are competing for a limited number of jobs in a market that has been slow on growth. There are steps you can take that […]
Tips for Ensuring Successful Performance Evaluations Part 2
It’s that time of year again when human resources professionals everywhere begin the task of doing annual employee performance reviews. While this is a necessary aspect of planning the costs of staffing, annual reviews are also a time for employees to reflect on their performance to come up with goals for the upcoming year. It […]
Tips for Ensuring Successful Performance Evaluations Part 1
Every year, thousands of company human resource managers embark on the arduous task of conducting employee performance evaluations. This is a necessary aspect of planning annual salaries, bonuses and staff augmentation for the upcoming fiscal year. However dreadful it may seem for employees worried about getting their raises, it’s equally nerve-wracking for the HR department. […]
Don’t Sweat Your Annual Review – How to Transform Your Career in 2012
An annual performance review can spark an anxiety attack in some people. There is nothing worse than sitting down, looking your boss in the eye and hearing about all of the things you don’t do right. However, instead of looking at an annual performance review as a time to worry consider it an opportunity to […]
Preparing for Your Annual Performance Review
You have worked all year to boost your employer’s view of you and while you admit that you’ve made a few mistakes along the way, you want to ace that annual performance review. Most companies gather data from each employee’s work throughout the year and compile it into a concise, organized review. You sit down […]
Are Employee Performance Reviews Productive?
There is a debate among many HR departments about the actual value of performance reviews and if they actually increase productivity in the workplace or not. Some view performance reviews as somewhat of a system of rewarding only those who are favored by upper management, while many good deeds go unnoticed the rest of the […]