Job applicants may be the cause of their own seeming inability to get hired after all. If you are like many other individuals looking for a job today, you know that every opening is an important opportunity not to screw up. Yet, many applicants are making the same mistakes every time they apply for a […]
4 Ways to Become a Better Leader
Being a leader today means more than just having a nice suit and a corner office; it takes a certain kind of person to be looked at by others as a leader. Oftentimes, leadership is about being responsible for the success of others. By creating an environment that encourages and inspires others to be better, […]
What HR and Recruiters Wish You Knew
Have you ever had a job interview that went so well you thought you had the job bagged before you left the building? But then, weeks later, you received a dreaded rejection letter. An experience like this can be very frustrating, even if you have a thick skin from all the jobs you’ve been turned down for […]
Reward Employees Without Offering a Raise
Rewarding employees is an important part of keeping them around for the long-term. The problem is, not a lot of companies have the money to hand out raises on a consistent basis. Some are still struggling to break even, especially in this tough economy. Others are looking for ways to reduce payroll, not increase it. […]
3 Steps to Creating Your Own Career Opportunities
How much time do you spend looking through job ads, searching the message boards and focusing on online job sites? While it is good to do so, you also need to create your own opportunities to land that great position. In other words, you cannot count on the perfect position to land in your lap. […]
How to Start Employees Off on the Right Foot
You are hiring new or temporary staffers. You need great people to step right in and get the work done. The first few days on the job are critical to successful new hire orientation and productivity. How can you ensure that your new employee, temporary or not, is getting the right start in your business? […]
Keys to Getting that Interview…Followed by a Job
You’ve been on the prowl for a new assignment with a list of preferred organizations, sending out hundreds of resumes and trying to network your way to a job. Yet, you are still not getting invited for an interview. This is perhaps the most frustrating aspect of the job search process itself that has many […]
How to Use Pinterest to Visually Create Your Business Plan
Is your organization already using social media for connecting and building your business? If you have not already made your foray into Pinterest, then you may want to start utilizing this fast growing social network in some interesting ways. One of the most interesting ways to use Pinterest is to visually create your business plan. […]
Questions to Ask After the Job Offer
The actual job offer is the one thing that’s on the mind of every job seeker in today’s competitive workplace. Before the big moment arrives, you have all manner of hopes, expectations, and even fears about what the offer will be and whether or not that will be enough to meet your needs. Before you […]
Improve Your Google Ranking to Attract the Right Candidates
When you’re a business that’s actively recruiting job candidates, it’s more important than ever to have a high ranking in Google’s search results. Unfortunately, that, in and of itself can be a challenge. You’re not in the business of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). But, it can seem like you need to be an expert in […]