5 Networking Mistakes Candidates Make


Anyone looking for a job today has heard that networking is vitally important for the job search process. There’s no denying that. However, not everyone fully understands the fine lines of etiquette that exist when it comes to networking. It’s important to avoid making a few notable missteps as you begin your networking efforts. 1)   […]

Use LinkedIn to Grow Your Business


The world of business is changing fast. Organizations interested in fast growth must do things a little differently than they may have a few years ago. One of the biggest differences is the necessity of using social media to create a buzz and awareness about your business. A surprising trend that we are seeing with […]

Tell Me About You- How to Deal with the Hardest Question in an Interview


One of the most commonly asked questions at a job interview is the dreaded, “tell me about yourself” question. It seems harmless enough until you start to read into it. What does the interviewer really want you to say to answer it? The fact is, interviewers will use virtually every part of what you say […]

10 Best Interview Questions to Ask


Hiring managers face many challenges when interviewing candidates. From finding the right skills and qualifications to actually do the necessary tasks to discovering a talent that will also be a good fit within the company “culture.” With so many businesses struggling today, there is more pressure than ever to find the right person for the […]

Focus Your Resume on Results, Not Daily Tasks


With so many people in the job market today, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to stand out when creating a resume. However, there is something you can do that will make a world of difference in how your resume is received and viewed by potential employers. It’s something that’s quite simple to do as well as […]

Job Hunting While Employed – Cover Your Tracks


The job market is tough out there. Even as small signs of recovery are appearing on distant horizons, companies are still reluctant to raise salaries, reduce hours, or hire new employees.  This leaves a lot of people in the market for new jobs but unwilling to put their existing jobs at risk in the process. […]

How Can We Improve?


Despite high unemployment, many companies are finding it increasingly difficult to hire and retain the best and brightest skilled employees for their organizations. Today, I would like to ask for your help in evaluating how our company can better address these challenges in the future. We have asked Haley Marketing Group, a consulting services agency […]

Six Job Skills to Recruit for in New Hires


The old ways of scanning resumes in search of the perfect job candidate are producing fewer real results in today’s ever-evolving work force. It’s not enough to simply seek out signs of intelligence or “book smarts” by way of GPA, affiliations, and honors program memberships. In fact, the companies that are making the grades these […]

Classy, Not Trashy – Avoid Letting Your Cover Letter Sound Like a Chain Letter


As an engineering (or other) candidate, one of the most powerful tools in your job search kit is your professional cover letter. Yet, so many job seekers do their cover letter wrong by drafting a letter that sounds more like a form chain letter than an actual letter of interest. This is a big No-No […]