Any government agency that uses a set of initials in place of its name makes most ordinary citizens a bit nervous. They can spell bad news for people who don’t tow the line and follow the rules they set forth. The same holds true with the National Labor Relations Board, otherwise known as the NLRB. […]
How to Have a Winning Employment History
Having a winning employment history will help you to land your next job. Your employment history, you may be thinking, is anything but winning. It may be sorted, hectic and lack enthusiasm. You may even call it a lackluster description of the past few years. If you want to land that big job, though, you’ll […]
Employers Using Temps to Vet New Hires
Temporary workers are those who come in, do the job at hand and leave. They go from one position to the next, from one company to the next, filling in where there is a need. What you may not realize is that many employers are turning to these individuals and hiring them on instead of […]
Do’s and Don’ts of a Company’s Social Media Page
Social media is all the rage these days – for many reasons. Businesses, of all shapes and sizes, need to incorporate social media into their business plans. With that in mind, however, there are certain things you should and should not do with your social media efforts. This is especially true if you plan to […]
Ways to Explain Resume Gaps to an Interviewer
Resume gaps happen. Stuff happens in life. That’s all there is to it. You must deal with it in order to move forward. How you deal with it, however, can make all the difference in the world when you’re trying to land the job you want in this economy. While you may have been taught […]
Importance of Hiring a Social Candidate – Not Just Someone Who Looks Good On Paper
A social candidate is a professional who is able to interact within many social networks properly. A person who can work well with others is often times more valuable than the individual who has all of the technical skills, but lacks the ability to communicate his thoughts, needs and ideas with others. From the overpowering […]
Best Ways to Use Twitter for Your Job Search
You’ve probably heard about all the off-the-wall things that using Twitter has accomplished in the last couple of years. It’s helped free a kid from jail in Egypt, told stories about places where cameras couldn’t go, and been instrumental in keeping everyone apprised on the hot acts to see on American Idol for the past […]
Happiness is the Ultimate Productivity Booster
As an HR manager, it’s important to know what really motivates workers to be their most productive. In fact, managing productivity is one of the more important roles you play within your organization. You know it’s important to keep them happy. You understand that employees are generally more productive when they are happy. But, do […]
Job Search Tips for Career Changers
Considering a change of careers? Ready to do something new? Want take your life in a new direction? The job search is often more than a little tricky for people interested in a career change. But, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to get the career change you want and a new job too. Here are […]
Use Social Media to Strengthen Your Career Brand
Social media is on the rise in businesses today…for companies both large and small. In fact, if you want to compete, whether on a local or global scale, you almost have to embrace social media marketing in order to solidify your brand as a business and as an employer. Of course for most businesses, large […]