If your company isn’t getting the amount of quality of applications for an open position that you expected, it might be time to take a look at the job description. A good job description is like a movie trailer: It needs to entice people to be interested in wanting to know more and get them […]
Posts Tagged: job description
Here Are Some Tips On How To Nail Your Next Phone Interview
The world has changed in the past few years: Now, instead of worrying about making it in time for an in-person interview and dreading getting lost or stuck in traffic, many employers are opting for phone interviews, at least for the first round. There are some challenges with phone interviews. The person you’re speaking with […]
4 Common Mistakes That Can Disrupt the Candidate Experience
The interview process is a long one for both the interviewer and the interviewee alike. So much time and coordination goes into it, and on the interviewer’s side, there can be multiple candidates to consider and multiple rounds to complete. But keep in mind that mistakes can be made along the way that will discourage […]