
The interview process is a long one for both the interviewer and the interviewee alike. So much time and coordination goes into it, and on the interviewer’s side, there can be multiple candidates to consider and multiple rounds to complete. 

But keep in mind that mistakes can be made along the way that will discourage candidates from continuing along in the process, or leave them with a bad impression of your company. This could lead to a damaged reputation, decreasing your candidate pool in the future. 


Here are a few common mistakes companies can make that negatively influence the candidates: 


  • Taking too long to respond. This is a market in which candidates are possibly speaking to and interviewing with multiple companies. There’s a great need for new employees. If your company takes longer to schedule the next interview, or to reply to questions about the position, that shows the candidate you don’t have time for them or might not be serious about filling the position. They will go elsewhere and will tell their friends your company isn’t responsive. 
  • Failing to provide an accurate job description. If your candidate is very interested in a specific job description and has tailored their resume, cover letter and interview answers to explain how their skills meet the job’s requirements, telling them mid-process that the job isn’t exactly what the description says can be problematic. It can feel like a bait-and-switch moment, that they’ve been deceived. If the job is more expansive than the description states, that can turn off many candidates’ interest. Make sure your job descriptions are accurate and up-to-date before accepting resumes to avoid this problem. 
  • Relying on too many tools. It’s important to keep track of who’s interviewing for which position and how the interviews went. But putting too much stock in spreadsheets or technology and failing to rely on the personal connection and conversation can cheapen and spoil the process. If you need to cross-reference everything and wait until all Is are dotted and Ts are crossed, you’ll delay the next step in the process from starting. 
  • Failing to keep up communication. If a candidate emails you early on to thank you for their interview, and you don’t reply for a week, they might think they’re no longer in the running for the job. They might start to look elsewhere and forget about the position with your company. That’s a qualified candidate you lost out on that could’ve stayed interested with a simple and fast email response. 


The interview process is a difficult and time-consuming one, especially as you’re trying to juggle your other responsibilities at the same time. Taking a few moments to check the job descriptions, making sure you have time set aside for replying to inquiries, and keeping the process rolling in a timely manner can help avoid the loss of great candidates to your competition. 


If you’re looking for a little help in streamlining your hiring process, contact Davis Staffing. Our team of recruiters is ready to sort through resumes and pass along the most qualified candidates for your company in a very short time, helping you fill those open positions even faster. Contact Davis Staffing today and let’s get started!