You’ve probably heard about all the off-the-wall things that using Twitter has accomplished in the last couple of years. It’s helped free a kid from jail in Egypt, told stories about places where cameras couldn’t go, and been instrumental in keeping everyone apprised on the hot acts to see on American Idol for the past several seasons. But, did you know that Twitter can also assist you in your job search? Here are just a few of the ways that Twitter can help you find the job you’re looking for.
Join the Conversation
This is by far the best advice you can get when it comes to using Twitter for your job search. Don’t go in asking people to help you find your job. Join the conversation. Get to know people. Make friends and connect with people in your community, in your industry, and in your field.
Just remember that you are looking for a job. Make sure that all the posts and “Tweets” you make are professional. Avoid hot button topics such as politics and religion and don’t talk about the latest party experience you’ve enjoyed. You should also try to keep your conversations on Twitter pleasant and upbeat whenever possible. It makes an impression and lets people know that you’re not letting the pressure get you down. Also try to keep the focus on the positive things you have to offer: experience, knowledge, skills, and training are great traits to keep at the front of everyone’s minds.
Search for Jobs
Most people aren’t even aware that Twitter has a function that allows you to search for jobs. You can type #jobs into the search feature or TwitterJobSearch. Twitter moves fast and there is a steady stream of jobs being posted on this social networking giant at all hours of the day and night.
It’s best to get in on the job search quickly when you do find them because they usually aren’t open very long. You can even check back several times during the day to broaden your job search options.
Connect with People in your Industry
It’s a good idea to follow the Tweets of people who are in your industry. In fact, you want to follow the feed of all the industry leaders you know about. From their feeds you’ll be able to stay on top of the latest technological advances in your field, you’ll receive updates on training, and you’ll sometimes come across a job opening that’s perfect for you.
More importantly though, you’ll start to rub elbows with some of the elite names in your industry and there are a lot of reasons you want your name associated with their names. It’s also easy to build relationships based on common interests, passions, and experiences.
If you’re not using Twitter in your job search then you’re missing out on a wide range of potential jobs and careers. Make sure you sign up now and see what it can do for your job search today.