Show Off Your Skills in the Cover Letter


The cover letter is just as important as your resume, if not more important, because it is the first document a potential employer will read from you. Every resume should be accompanied with a cover letter, even if the job description or advertisement does not request one. It is a way for you to go […]

What’s The Timeline For A Post-Interview Follow-up?


You’ve been eagerly anticipating the job interview for weeks and now it’s over. You think things went well, but the waiting game begins. For many job seekers, this is the most painful part of the process. And it’s fairly awkward too, especially if you don’t know how and when to follow up with the recruiter […]

3 Ways to Develop Your Own Employees and Watch Them Prosper


If you want your business to prosper, then you must take the time to invest in your employees. Why? Good people are hard to find, and loyal employees are even rarer, so the more you invest in the learning and developing of your teams, the more they will give back to your business. While you […]

Employees of the Month – May 2015


These employees have been recognized by our clients for outstanding performance, production, attendance, housekeeping, and quality. Michael Rodriguez Davis employee since February 2015 Began assignment at client in February 2015 Commute to assignment: 16 minutes Hobby: Basketball Michael’s statement: “Hard work and dedication always pays off. You get what you give, so give it your best.” Feedback from […]

What You Need to Know about Predictable Scheduling


What kind of schedule does your workplace require? If you have been considering the idea of moving from a flexible schedule to a regular schedule that’s based on production needs, then you must learn something about predictable scheduling. Here is a rundown of what predictable scheduling is and advice on if this is a good […]

Do You Know About the New Workplace Laws in 2015?


As an employer, it’s important to understand that there are certain employment related laws in place to protect your employees These laws include recruitment advertising and hiring practices, health insurance requirements, career opportunities, and other rules that make it illegal for employers to discriminate against protected classes of people. It’s always important to stay up-to-date on workplace laws […]

Employees of the Month – April 2015


Danisha Cruz                 Davis employee since March 2015 Began assignment at client in April 2015 Commute to assignment: 14 minutes Hobby: Traveling Danisha’s statement: “I really like working here. Thank you Davis and [client] for helping me out with a job!” Feedback from Davis coworkers: “Keep up the […]

Should You Only Place Large Amounts of Employees?


Recruiters often ignore small number placements in favor of large volume employee placements. Why? It can be easy to make money on large placements because it’s about the numbers, and recruiters can become overly focused on numbers and ROI. However, don’t get caught in this trap as a recruitment professional. Placing one or two high-level […]

Resume Tips: Change Your Objective into a Branding Statement


Updating your resume is a great way to improve your chances at finding a new job. You do not have to change your resume completely, but there is one thing you can do that will get you noticed. Instead of using an objective on your resume, consider turning it into a branding statement. Companies want […]

What to Know About Chicago’s Minimum Wage Increase


For the first time in many years, the hard working people of Chicago are finally going to get a break due to an approved state minimum wage increase – making this the nation’s third largest big city to do so in the last few months. As part of Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s effort to make Chicago […]