
The old ways of scanning resumes in search of the perfect job candidate are producing fewer real results in today’s ever-evolving work force. It’s not enough to simply seek out signs of intelligence or “book smarts” by way of GPA, affiliations, and honors program memberships. In fact, the companies that are making the grades these days are the ones who employ people who can think outside the box a bit—in defiance of traditional understanding.

If you can’t trust the tried and true markers of good employees companies used in hiring practices, what can you trust? What skills do you need to seek out in your new recruits instead?

1)   Passion. This is by far the most important trait or characteristic to look for in employees. Without passion, very little else matters. Passion is what will drive employees to deliver results time and time again. They love the product, love the challenge of creating products, and love coming to work every day. They will fight to make the products they believe in. More importantly, they’ll fight to make the products the right way from the very start because they believe in them.

2)   Integrity. It really matters today more than ever. You don’t want a staff filled with people who make big promises and never deliver. It’s more important to have good people working for you who promise small but hit the mark every time rather than a whole factory filled with people who promise big but never seem to give you the goods.

3)   Attitude. Nothing makes an office or factory a more pleasant place to work than having a staff that has the right attitude about their work and each other. With companies moving away from offices to cubicles, attitude is more important than ever before. There is less privacy and more opportunities for dissension to cause big problems in the ranks.

4)   Empathy. Employees need not only be able to get along with other employees but also need to be able to empathize with the customers who are buying the products too. This will help them design and deliver products that can meet the needs of the widest possible range of buying customers.

5)   Discipline. This is a skill that’s harder and harder to find in today’s marketplace—at least when it comes to the people in the job market—but it’s one that continues to be vitally important. Discipline, self-discipline in particular, means that you’ll never have to worry about driving your staff in the direction you need to go. They’re going to drive themselves. They’re going to keep plugging away until they get it right rather than giving up in frustration or getting sidetracked by distractions along the way.

6)   Adaptability. The workplace is changing today at an alarming rate. Quite frankly, you need employees who can not only keep up but also adapt and excel with the rapid changes and new technology the world is throwing at them.

There are other traits and skills you may prefer or need in your specific industry. However, these overall skills are invaluable in the workplace regardless of industry and will mean more to you, as an employer, when push comes to shove and deadlines approach, than any GPA or honors citations ever will.

Find your best candidates by working with Davis Staffing for skilled employees ready with today’s best attitudes and abilities.