What’s The Timeline For A Post-Interview Follow-up?


You’ve been eagerly anticipating the job interview for weeks and now it’s over. You think things went well, but the waiting game begins. For many job seekers, this is the most painful part of the process. And it’s fairly awkward too, especially if you don’t know how and when to follow up with the recruiter […]

3 Ways to Develop Your Own Employees and Watch Them Prosper


If you want your business to prosper, then you must take the time to invest in your employees. Why? Good people are hard to find, and loyal employees are even rarer, so the more you invest in the learning and developing of your teams, the more they will give back to your business. While you […]

Chicago Ranks High Nationally In Temporary Jobs


There’s good news for the Chicago job market! Based on a recent workforce survey conducted by a major job board, Chicago ranks high on the list of metropolitan areas that are experiencing an explosion in the number of jobs available.  Temporary jobs are on the rise too, by as much as 12 percent during the last […]

What You Need to Know about Predictable Scheduling


What kind of schedule does your workplace require? If you have been considering the idea of moving from a flexible schedule to a regular schedule that’s based on production needs, then you must learn something about predictable scheduling. Here is a rundown of what predictable scheduling is and advice on if this is a good […]

Questions to Ask to Find the Right Staffing Firm


As a job seeker, you are already aware that a staffing firm can support your efforts of finding a great new career. There are many benefits of working with and through a staffing agency. But, how can you choose the right staffing firm for your type of background and interests? In this article, we will […]

Illinois Economy Still Strong in Industrial Jobs


The state of Illinois has experienced its ups and downs during the last decade due to fluctuations in the nation’s economy. But according to a recent workforce survey, Illinois has done a better job than most states in keeping up with light industrial job opportunities for workers. Illinois is a Top State for Industrial Jobs The […]

The Benefits Of Taking A Temporary Job


Trying to find a new job can be a difficult and lengthy process. If you have been out of work for a prolonged period, consider taking a temporary job. There are plenty of benefits to working a temporary job, and we will discuss them here so you can make an informed decision as to the next […]

Temporary Or Direct Hire: Which Should You Choose To Fill Your Position?


Deciding who to hire for an open position at your company can be very difficult. No matter how many people you interview, or how in-depth you research a person, there is no guarantee that the hire will pan out and be with you long-term. Because of this, an argument has come about that asks how […]

How To Ask For A Reference Or Letter Of Recommendation


Asking for a reference or a letter of recommendation can be a stressful situation for a job seeker, especially if he or she has never done so in the past. You might not know the etiquette involved in such a request, which is why we will tackle the issue in this post. Make sure you […]

How To Turn Temporary Hires Into Permanent Ones


Even though your company brings in Temp to Perm Hires every so often, it does not mean they must absolutely be let go once their contract comes to an end. You have a couple of options; renew their temporary contract for another set period or hire the employee to the full-time staff. It is very […]