Are you looking around wondering if your workplace culture reflects happiness from employees? What exactly is the definition of a “happy” work environment? The truth is that a happy workplace differs based on the type of environment and industry, but there are quite a few similarities. These similarities include: a workplace that is safe, empowering […]
Posts Tagged: Davis Staffing in Hammond Indiana
3 Quotes That Motivate Successful People
Need some extra motivation lately? Even the most successful people do at times. Consider that it took Henry Ford two failed business ventures and the loss of many of his friends before he invented the Model A in 1904, the first mass produced car that launched the automobile industry. And that Thomas Edison, the most […]
How To Optimize Your Job Postings
When jobs open up, companies like to advertise for new employees as quickly as possible in order to begin the hiring process without much of a delay. Job postings are published in newspapers, magazines, on bulletin boards, in online forums, with internet job sites and on social media sites. However, often these job postings are not fully […]
What Should You Do When Preparing For An Interview?
An in-person job interview can be one of the most stressful events in a person’s career. The candidate’s performance will mean the difference between a job offer and continuing to search for a new job. Preparing for a job interview is important because candidates must know about the company, have answers prepared and know what […]
Should You Ever Hire An Overqualified Candidate?
Companies have plenty of decisions to make when choosing a candidate for an open job. One of those decisions is whether or not to hire an overqualified candidate. Some companies will say absolutely, while others will refuse to bring an overqualified candidate on as an employee and won’t back down from that sentiment. We will […]
Leaving Your Job? How To Resign Without Leaving A Bad Impression
Leaving a job for a new one can be both exciting and nerve wracking at the same time. On the one hand, you are thrilled about your new opportunity. On the other hand, you are worried that leaving your current job might burn a bridge or cause a bad impression. Here, we will discuss the best […]
How To Perform a Thorough Employee Background Check
Background checks are an excellent way for companies to weed out undesirable or dangerous candidates. Almost all companies perform background checks on candidates in order to learn more about them and their past. These checks are also great ways to avoid hiring potentially damaging employees and to prevent high employee turnover. Here, we will discuss […]
The Benefits Of Taking A Temporary Job
Trying to find a new job can be a difficult and lengthy process. If you have been out of work for a prolonged period, consider taking a temporary job. There are plenty of benefits to working a temporary job, and we will discuss them here so you can make an informed decision as to the next […]
How To Integrate Temp Employees With Your Team
Companies across the country supplement their workforce during busy seasons by hiring temporary workers. No matter how many temp workers are on your staff, you need to be able to integrate them successfully into your team of regular, full-time employees. Integrating temp workers is important to their level of comfort, their productivity and how well […]
How To Be More Productive At Work
Finding new ways to be more productive at work can be difficult if you have struggled in the past with getting work done on-time. But, finding new ways is important to your career success and standing with the company. If one of your resolutions for the New Year is to be more productive at work, […]