How to Make HR Presentations More Enjoyable


If you’ve ever had to sit through a business presentation directly related to HR topics, you’ve quickly noted that it got dull very fast. Why? Because most HR people are talking about facts and figures around employee performance, personnel policies, and other workplace metrics. Now if you’re on the other side of the presentation you […]

How to Create a Happy Work Environment


Are you looking around wondering if your workplace culture reflects happiness from employees? What exactly is the definition of a “happy” work environment? The truth is that a happy workplace differs based on the type of environment and industry, but there are quite a few similarities. These similarities include: a workplace that is safe, empowering […]

3 Quotes That Motivate Successful People


Need some extra motivation lately? Even the most successful people do at times. Consider that it took Henry Ford two failed business ventures and the loss of many of his friends before he invented the Model A in 1904, the first mass produced car that launched the automobile industry. And that Thomas Edison, the most […]