Do You Know About the New Workplace Laws in 2015?


As an employer, it’s important to understand that there are certain employment related laws in place to protect your employees These laws include recruitment advertising and hiring practices, health insurance requirements, career opportunities, and other rules that make it illegal for employers to discriminate against protected classes of people. It’s always important to stay up-to-date on workplace laws […]

How To Perform a Thorough Employee Background Check


Background checks are an excellent way for companies to weed out undesirable or dangerous candidates. Almost all companies perform background checks on candidates in order to learn more about them and their past. These checks are also great ways to avoid hiring potentially damaging employees and to prevent high employee turnover. Here, we will discuss […]

Steps To Creating A Healthier Work Environment


Finding new and innovative ways to create a healthier work environment can be difficult, especially when employees are stuck in bad habits for a long time. Getting your employees to buy into a healthier work environment can be tricky, but it definitely can be done effectively without causing too much of a culture shock for […]

No Falls this Autumn – Ensuring Safety At Work


As the summer comes to a close and autumn approaches, many companies will begin to review their safety policies and procedures. These items are put in place to keep employees as safe as possible when on the job. Workplace accidents cannot be avoided entirely, but they can be limited when companies and employees take the […]

Are You a Safe Employee? How to Follow OSHA Regulations


As a general rule, workplace safety is a big deal for companies around the Chicago area. So too, should it be important for workers. No matter what type of work you do, it is in your best interests to practice safety as much as possible. The more often you practice safety, the less likely it is […]