Finding new and innovative ways to create a healthier work environment can be difficult, especially when employees are stuck in bad habits for a long time. Getting your employees to buy into a healthier work environment can be tricky, but it definitely can be done effectively without causing too much of a culture shock for employees.
Here, we will discuss the most effective ways to create a healthier work environmentin just a few simple steps.
Step #1 – Fostering an Attitude of Cooperation is a Must
One of the first things you must absolutely do when creating a healthier work environment is to create an attitude of cooperation. This means that give and take must be present in the office each day of the week. Part of the cooperation discussion is offering employees ways to balance their work life and their personal life so they are not overwhelmed when they come to work each morning. This includes offering childcare, flexible work schedules, telecommuting, sabbaticals and compassionate leave.
Step #2 – Create Rewards for Employees
Employees love to be recognized or rewarded for a job well done more than once in their career. This means that you need to create some type of recognition program for your employees. This will make it easier to reward them when they complete a project ahead of the deadline, go above and beyond when dealing with a client and much more. These rewards can be gift cards to local restaurants or businesses, extra paid time off from work, a personalized plaque and much more.
Step #3 – Develop an Atmosphere of Trust
Employees also want to have a feeling of trust when they are at the office. They want to be trusted by their superiors, their co-workers and everyone else they come in contact with in the office. Trust goes both ways, which means since your employees want to be trusted, you must provide them with reasons why they can trust you. When you make this a two-way street, the environment at the workplace will be much healthier.
Step #4 – Offer Stress Busting Activities
Work is stressful, no matter how fun the workplace environment might be, which is why you need to relieve the stress of your employees as much as possible. This can be done using various activities at the office such as picnics, casual outfit days, flexible scheduling during the spring and summer months and much more.
Step #5 – Update Corporate Safety Policies
When companies look to make their workplace environment a healthier one, it can be done by updating safety policies. Safety policies will vary from company to company, but most of them are the same. If you feel that your employees are not safe in what they do at the office, you can hold safety seminars and update the policies and make sure everyone is complying when necessary.
Creating a healthier work environment does not have to a complicated process and it should be done immediately in an effort to ensure that your employees are happy and safe. Davis Staffing, a Hammond Staffing Agency can help reduce stress on your current workforce by giving you access to temp employees to take care of routine tasks, augment for larger projects, or work during peak seasons.