Employee retention was tricky enough before the pandemic. A bright, promising employee might be lured away by a hot new competitor, promising new challenges and a bigger paycheck.
Now employees are in high demand, more than before, and companies might already be short-staffed due to pandemic restrictions.
How can hiring managers and HR directors be mindful of both new and old challenges to employee retention?
Here are some tips:
Talk to your current employees.
It’s been a long year and a half for them. Find out how they’re feeling about their job and what they think of current working arrangements. Is remote work coming up as something they’d like to have available? Are they struggling to juggle responsibilities at home and on the job? Listen to what they tell you and how they speak about it. Are there any accommodations that can be made to help ease that stress? If remote working isn’t an option, what about flexible hours? Four 10-hour days instead of five eight-hour days? Make it clear that you’re here to listen, and you want to know what can be done to keep your team happy — and here.
Recognize hard workers and top performers.
“Success” doesn’t look the same for every employee. Some have challenges to overcome, while others set and exceed expectations regularly. However, you want to set the parameters, find ways to congratulate and honor those who have done an impressive job, and make a point to do so regularly. People who feel valued and recognize their hard work will be less likely to start looking for a greener pasture.
Focus on engagement.
Do your employees come to work every day because they have to, or because they’re enjoying what they’re doing? Is it a combination of both? Do they feel loyal to the company, or are they going through the motions? Find ways to keep your team engaged and energized when they come to work. Employees might need a reminder that they’re all part of this greater picture and that their work directly contributes to the company’s success and growth. That feeling of place and importance can help ground people and make them buy-in, again or for the first time, to your company’s culture and mindset.
Offer opportunities for growth and advancement.
Workers, especially younger ones, want to know they’ll get more than just a paycheck from their jobs. They’re looking for opportunities to learn, add to their skills, and stay sharp and connected to their field and studies. Making available training programs, mentoring initiatives, job shadowing, and other ways to learn new things and enrich their positions will help them feel like they have room to grow under your roof.
Keep equity in mind.
Social media likes to remind people of various benchmarks during the year, including when women have earned the same amount their male counterparts were paid in the previous year (it’s commemorated on a day in March). While it used to be taboo to discuss salary, more people, and again younger workers, are breaking that tradition and finding out who’s getting paid what for the same job. Make an effort to ensure there are no gaps in pay for a man and a woman doing the same job, with the same skills and background. Keep things equal, equitable, and fair, and you’ll defuse a tense situation before it can combust.
Managers have a lot on their plates these days, trying to build back losses from the pandemic while working to make new gains as well. You need your best employees working alongside you instead of spending time recruiting new ones. Employee retention could make the difference between bouncing back and falling behind.
Get Your Retention Strategy Right with Davis Staffing
If you do need to bring in some new hires, contact Davis Staffing. We have a great group of talented, eager candidates ready to join your team and to get to work quickly. Call Davis Staffing today, and let’s get started!