Welcome to Davis Staffing’s series on resume tips! To help you succeed, we’ll be stopping in to give some insight on how you can update that all-important document and use what you’ve learned to land a position. For tip number one, we’ll dive into how you can make a structure swap that will appeal to potential employers.
Will a Skills-Based Setup Work for You?
When considering a structure swap, one option is transforming your work history into a skills-based resume. If it sounds new to you, a skills-based layout shows your resume in reverse. You can list your abilities by listing your “Summary of Skills” and then adding in additional relevant content following that. This more functional style works well for those in practical industries, as well as professionals with limited work experience
Divide Up Content
No hiring manager in a hurry wants to dig through thick paragraphs of redundant info. You need to cut straight to the point, especially for visual impact. Your resume will stand out if you can keep it dynamic and avoid long blocks of text. Bullet points and short sentences are best to structure your resume content effectively.
Cut the Extras
Take it one step further by cutting from your existing structure to eliminate unnecessary information. For example, a traditional resume structure starts with your name, home address, home phone, mobile phone, and email. This is no longer necessary. All an employer needs is your cell and your email so they can get in touch.
Additionally, some resume traditionalists insist on an “objective” statement to describe your career goals. However, for most job postings, your experience can speak for itself. Save yourself some room at the top and instead dive into the content that matters.
Davis Will Help You Find the Right Role Quickly
Is your resume ready? Hit the Davis Staffing job boards! We offer connections in a multitude of industries, and we can line you up with the right role quickly. Contact our office today to learn more.