
It can be difficult for managers to traverse the divide between being a leader and being a boss. For some, it can be very easy to do. If you are a manager or supervisor, it does not matter how many people work under you, it is imperative that you can differentiate between being a leader and a boss. How is this done? We will discuss some of the tell-tale signs that you might be more of a boss than a leader at the workplace.

Leaders Will Lead

We know that this is very simple, but it is true. Leaders will lead their team and not rule them. This means that you will be working alongside your team instead of in front of them. You will take the time to provide the team with insight, help and show them gratitude during projects.

Leaders Do Teach

It is important for leaders to teach their employees instead of expecting they can get the job done and ignoring them in the process. The best leaders out there will have self-esteem, but will not be embarrassed to learn from employees who hold lower positions at the company. A leader will pay attention to their colleagues almost all the time, while a boss will tend to ignore colleagues and employees on a regular basis.

Bosses Establish Poor Relationships

If you are a boss, you might notice that you have very poor relationships with your employees. Leaders will develop relationships that focus on equality at the workplace. This encourages employees to be creative and to speak up when they have an idea. A boss will likely let his or her personal preferences regarding employees take over their relationships in the office.

Bosses Sit on the Sidelines

For the most part, a boss will sit on the sidelines when a project is being worked on or when meetings are taking place. Leaders have a tendency to get involved in the action and lend a helping hand whenever and wherever it is needed. Leaders will make adjustments throughout the project and offer their assistance to any employee who has a question or an issue. Bosses will stay hands-off during these projects.

Leaders Listen

One of the most important traits of a leader is that he or she will listen and then speak to employees. Bosses have a tendency to shout orders and reprimand immediately when something goes wrong. Bosses love the feeling of having all eyes and ears on them throughout the day while leaders would rather listen to their co-workers and implement their ideas when possible.
So, after reading this post, are you a leader or are you a boss? Think about your actions at work and figure out what needs to change to become a better leader. Explore important recruitment and employment topics by reading a few more popular blog posts from a leading Staffing Agency in Chicago IL Davis Staffing!

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