
It seems like every day someone creates a new “rule” around writing resumes. Resume formats are different in that they are more about bringing value to a potential employer, rather than listing a career objective like resumes in the past did. Today’s up and down economy makes it common for professionals to have multiple assignments listed on their resume work history. This is due to layoffs, gaps in employment, and the necessity of taking second jobs to pay the bills.

Yet, one of the most perplexing aspects of creating a resume is whether or not it’s OK to include temporary assignments on a resume, or not? The short answer from hiring managers everywhere is “yes”. Recruiters know that candidates may work in a variety of roles and they appreciate individuals who have a wide range of marketable skills. A temporary assignment can provide value to your resume, if you know how to include it in the format of the resume.

Read on to learn how to include temporary work history on your resume.

Include the Agency Name as Your Employer – When adding temp work to your resume; organize all the assignments you’ve completed under the temporary agency you contracted with. This is in place of an employer’s name and is the proper way to list it on your resume. Embolden the name of the agency; give the main branch location, and the total date range you worked there.

List the Assignments with Descriptions – Underneath each temporary agency, you will then provide a listing of the temporary assignments you completed by location, dates, and the assignment title you held there. Include a brief description of the special projects you worked on, the new skills used, and any job specific keywords that relate to jobs you are searching for.

Highlight Your Achievements and Recognition – While you were employed by the temporary staffing agency, you may have gotten feedback from the company or the agency. Your performance is a key indicator of future success, so be sure to list this on your resume. Add a couple small lines underneath each job and include your achievements and recognition here. (Example: you were hired on permanently)

Gather References from Your Temp Assignments – Each temporary assignment is also an opportunity to get written references from the on-site supervisor and the person you report to at the staffing agency. Ask for these before you leave the assignment or shortly thereafter if you can. Attach a copy of these reference letters to your resume.

Remember, your experience as a temporary worker is valuable to recruiters. The very fact that you are willing to continue working while searching for a permanent job and the willingness to be adaptable speaks volumes to hiring companies.

If you are looking for a job placement business in northwest Indiana, contact Davis Staffing today!