
Getting a job as a production line professional takes more than just a simple application. In most cases, it requires having an updated resume that accurately reflects your skills, qualifications, and experience in the challenging industrial market. Depending on the type of production line work you are looking for, you will want to make sure certain elements are reflected in your resume.

Here are some things to include on a production line career resume, with links to some example resumes you can learn from.

Easy to read resume format.

Your resume needs to be drafted up in a Word format that includes a pleasing looking template. Choose from a simple professional resume template that makes it easier for the recruiter to read and find information about you – something that increases the likelihood you have of getting hired.

Complete contact information.

Take the time to add your name, home address, email address, and at least 2 phone numbers where the production recruiter can reach you. These should be prominently centered at the top of your resume, in larger font and your name emboldened.

Summary of professional strengths.

In the first section under your name and contact information, be sure to create a bulleted list of at least 6-12 keywords that describe you. Scan through job advertisements for your target jobs and make sure those keywords are present, so that resume scanners pick your resume up.

List of relevant assignments and achievements.

The hiring manager at any production plant is going to scan quickly through your job history next, so make it count. List your most recent job or contract assignment, along with your title, the name of the company, dates, a brief description of the company, and then add a bulleted list of accomplishments (not job duties).

Education and special production certifications.

At the end of your resume, add your educational data including any special production line training or certification you have obtained. Make sure that any special industry logo is present, such as descriptions of the software or equipment you learned on. Add any industry awards to this list as well.

Getting a job in a production line can be highly rewarding, especially if you are looking for the opportunity to grow as a manufacturing professional. To speed the process up, consider taking a temporary or contract assignment with Davis Staffing for on the job experience that can take you far.