Every year, Forbes magazine puts out a new report on the “100 Best Companies to Work for”, which is read by thousands of job seekers. If you’ve ever read that list, it can make you stop and think about what would it take to have your company make this list too? The answer may be as close as your human resources and recruiting team!
The top rated companies have several key characteristics in common that any company can adopt to become a better place to work and make a difference. These characteristics include…
Above Average Wages and Benefits
Obviously, what most career candidates are looking for are earnings and benefits that can sustain a comfortable lifestyle. The top rated companies often compensate employees with generous salaries, bonus plans and employee benefit packages. After all, being a productive company is about keeping employees happy and healthy, on and off the job. If your company lags in these areas, it may be a good time to consult with an employment company like Davis Staffing, Inc. that can guide you with updated salary surveys and affordable benefit programs to give more to the people who make your business success possible.
Flexible Work Schedules
There has been a movement for several years towards a better work-life balance for millions of working parents, caregivers and students around the nation. This movement has created a large demand for jobs that allow for flexible work schedules. Additionally, there has been a rise in the numbers of professionals who now work at least one day a week from home. Telecommuting has become so popular that recent figures estimate about 20 t0 30 million people now work from home once per week. If your company has tasks that can be performed remotely or on flextime, then now is the time to jump on board.
Onsite Employee Perks
The best companies know that employees have a lot on their plate, from raising kids to staying healthy. That’s why the top firms have instituted on-site employee perks, which range from daycare centers and gourmet cafeterias, to state-of-the-art gyms and massage clinics. If you want to bring a little bit of luxury to your company, why not contact a staffing company to see what programs can be outsourced at a discount rate. Many times, just offering employees the chance to take healthful lunches, walks or get access to corporate discount packages can make a huge difference in performance.
Casual Work Environments
Another great perk that many of the biggest and best companies allow is the casual work environment. While “old-school” business require business suits, casual work environments allow employees to dress comfortably all week long in order to take the focus off of fashion and put it back on the work at hand. Many top companies, including Google and Amazon, allow their employees spacious cubicles that can be personalized to suit individual needs…and flip-flops are encouraged. Why not allow casual Friday’s or jeans at your workplace and see how much happier employees will be?
Community and Social Responsibility
The hallmark of the top companies in America is the firms that create a sense of corporate responsibility for the communities in which they operate. This can mean anything from donating to charities, to actual community service and programs designed to better the lives of many. A great way to launch your company to the top is to participate in a community service event, like cleaning up roadways or helping to gather food for a local food pantry. You would be surprised at how well this encourages employees to think outside of their office walls.
Need more ideas for taking your company to the top? Contact Davis Staffing, Inc. today for helpful advice and support today!