
If standing out as a job seeker is on your agenda, then giving your resume your own personal “voice” should be your first step.  Your resume voice is the tone and style in which you create your one-of-a-kind resume. This voice highlights your unique skills, abilities, and attributes that will be desirable to recruiters in your chosen career path. In this article we will provide some tips to help you get your resume a personal voice that more closely matches your personality.

Personalized touches to your resume.

From the type of paper and font that you choose for your resume to the styling and formatting, your resume can be a personal representation of who you are in your level of expertise in your industry.  Add a few personal touches to your resume such as an elegant styling of your contact information, links to your personal portfolio, short testimonials, and a personalized email address in the heading of your resume.

Tell your career story (in 3 pages or less).

The person who invented resumes did not take into considerations that many candidates have very elaborate stories about their career journey.  The challenge for you as a job seeker is finding a way to tell your career story in 2 to 3 pages.  The way to do this is by organizing and grouping your job and educational experience in a meaningful way. Use clever bolding and bulleted lists to highlight your best career experiences, in an updated resume template.

A great resume summary of skills.

If you want to get the maximum results out of your resume and give it a personal touch you will want to make sure to write a powerful summary statement of your skills to include at the very top of your resume.  This “above the fold” area of your resume is the section where most recruiters will spend their time — so make it count. Take the time to develop a 2-sentence summary of your career focus including a short bulleted list of at least 4-8 of your top industry and job skills, directly underneath your summary statement.

Be results-oriented, yet interesting.

Recruiters want to see that whomever they are potentially considering for a position are going to be high achievers and focused on industry success.  As you list your career history, you will want to highlight your achievements rather than simply listing duties, tasks or dull descriptions of the jobs you held. Use your voice and create something interesting to read, and stay away from “corporatespeak” or overused industry terms. Share something unique about yourself that will compel a recruiter to want to talk with you personally. This will enable you to shine in a face-to-face interview, rather than just be another faceless resume.

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