
hard truths


Looking to move up the ladder at work? Make sure you are aware of the hard truths about a career escalation. If you’ve recently taken a promotion or are considering your next step, here’s what you need to keep in mind.


Co-Workers Don’t Have to Be Friends

You’ll learn, hopefully not the hard way, that a colleague isn’t always going to be a buddy. You want to work well with others, but there’s nothing wrong with staying focused on the task at hand and politely declining a happy hour invitation. While you want to network and build connections, your productivity comes first. If you’re angling for a new role, not everyone will be happy for you when you achieve it.


A Supervisor’s Workload

With great power comes great responsibility, right? Not always fun. While you may be pleased with a bump in pay, it’s important to be realistic about a new role. You may need to take on more tasks, and you might see a shift in the way people treat you.


Managing Time

Once you’ve got supervisory responsibility and new projects added to your plate, you’ll notice it gets even more difficult to manage your time effectively. Your to-do list will get longer, so use this opportunity to delegate. A manager has resources at their disposal, so make sure to use them. Your colleagues can pitch into balance what needs to get done, so make sure you know each worker’s strengths and challenges to match people up with the right job for their skillset.


Managing People

If you are new to supervising employees, seek out resources immediately. This is even more important if these workers were previously your peers. Creating a successful work environment where you can inspire your subordinates is essential. Overseeing workers is a new challenge, no matter the amount of employees under your charge. Be sure you’re using effective leadership rather than bossing people around. For more tips on leadership in the workplace, check out Davis Staffing’s resources — we can help you strategize to manage your team today effectively.