Company Morale Summer


The sun comes out, and it’s like a curse on your productivity. Some workers take advantage – leaving early, coming in late, frequent vacation days. While you can provide some levity, there’s still work to be done. As a manager, it’s your duty to remind your employees that they are just as responsible for their productivity in July as they are in January. We’re going to talk about the three “P’s” of summer morale. Summer is a time where morale is at risk, but here’s how you can keep it in check.

Project Time

Summer is a natural time to tackle big projects. During your busy season, you may think about “not now” items, like updating your emergency plans or rebooting your website. When you head into those summer months, it’s a great time to have your staff tackle something new to keep them engaged and give them a new and interesting task. Remember: morale is not always about summer Fridays. It’s about people feeling valued, which is generally tied to productivity.

Performance Prizes

Reward your employees for their hard work! There’s nothing like feeling appreciated. When summer comes, don’t limit your gratitude to ice cream sandwiches. Find out what kind of affirmation your employees want to see. For example, you can assemble a fun field day for your entire team, but what they really want is a day off to spend however they wish.

Professional Development

Training is a key product of the summer season. Lighter schedules mean it’s a great time to focus on the growth and well-being of your employees. Plan by scheduling a sequence of professional development experiences. This can include necessary internal training, like sexual harassment prevention or OSHA refreshers, as well as networking events and morale-boosting mixers.

Contact Davis Staffing for Your Recruitment Needs

Looking to lead your team effectively this summer? Check out Davis Staffing’s website for more information on effective recruitment and making your team feel valued throughout the entire year. Contact us today to find out how we can help!
