

When you’re in a situation where you can get in touch with professionals in your field, you’ve got to know your stuff and be confident in front of your potential peers. Sound daunting? Don’t let it be. It can be difficult to meet people and converse when you’re a little more reserved. Meeting new people and striking up a professional conversation can seem like a chore. Ahead you’ll learn about some ways that an introverted professional can take on networking with less stress and more results.

Set a Goal for Yourself

Know what you want to take away from the event. Are you interested in breaking into a new industry, or is there a professional big shot you want to meet? Know exactly what you want from the situation, and set that intention as a priority. Making a clear goal will help you focus on getting that task done, and will likely make you feel a little less overwhelmed.

High Quantity

Create lots of small interactions. This allows you to get used to introducing yourself, gets your name out there, but relieves some of the pressure that can sink in when enduring long pauses or awkward moments. When you feel comfortable, follow up with some of those people later. They’ll remember your short conversation and the second talk will feel easier than the first introduction. It’s unwise to spend your entire time networking interacting with one individual regardless of the situation, especially since it’s unlikely to forge a deep long-lasting bond with just a twenty minute exchange.

Cover Your Bases

In the haze of a large networking opportunity, don’t forget the basics. Give your name, maintain eye contact, and don’t forget to give and receive contact info. If a business card isn’t your thing or theirs, be sure to exchange emails in order for future communication to occur. Be yourself! You may be more quiet or intimidated, but that shouldn’t stop you from embracing the opportunity you are being given. Know your strengths and use them in this arena. You may not be the best with charming a peer or public speaking, but draw from your experience. You may have expert insight about your work that other professionals will find useful and interesting.

Trying to emerge from your shell, or interested in more networking tips? Contact the professionals at Davis Staffing today. As one of the top Chicago staffing firms, they have a wealth of knowledge when it comes to professional tips, work tips, and job placement information– get in touch with us today!