
As a general rule, workplace safety is a big deal for companies around the Chicago area. So too, should it be important for workers. No matter what type of work you do, it is in your best interests to practice safety as much as possible. The more often you practice safety, the less likely it is that you or someone near you will be injured on the job. Companies do their best to meet OSHA regulations and keep their employees safe, but there is only so much they can do. They have to rely on their employees to make good decisions as well.

So, are you a safe employee? Find out here.

Failure to Review Policies

OSHA regulations are posted throughout workplaces of all kinds. If you fail to review these policies and regulations, you are putting yourself and those around you in danger of suffering an injury or even death. You need to read these posters and handouts as soon as you come across them and familiarize yourself with these regulations. If anything is confusing, or hard to understand, you should seek clarification from a manager or the human resources department as soon as possible.

Poor Driving Habits

OSHA reports that accidents while driving for a job cost employers some $60 billion per year. One way to avoid paying such high insurance premiums or settlements is to inspect all of your company’s vehicles for safety issues regularly. This includes doing so before and after required inspections by the state. Have a mechanic on-hand to go over every vehicle who can recognize major issues that could lead to serious accidents.

As an employee who has to drive a company vehicle, be sure to check to make sure the brake lights, turn signals, headlights and high beam lights all work prior to hitting the road. You should also check the tire pressure and the amount of gas in the tank.

Do you Dress for Work Conditions?

You need to come to work prepared for the weather conditions both inside and outside the building. If you work outside, make sure your outfit or uniform complies with the weather forecast for that day. You do not want to freeze in the winter and overheat in the summer. You should also have clothes that are appropriate for the conditions inside the building. Employers should install heaters in extremely cold warehouses and fans in extremely hot warehouses.

Failure to Use PPE

PPE, or personal protective equipment, is very important at the workplace today. You need to make this equipment top priority each day on the job. Whether you need to bring it from home or take it out of your locker, be sure you have your goggles, gloves, jacket, safety shoes, hard hats and any other gear necessary for you to stay safe while on the job.

Explore important recruitment and employment topics by reading a few more popular blog posts from a leading Staffing Agency in Chicago IL Davis Staffing!

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