How To Keep Employee Morale Up During The Winter 


People who live in cold climates know that sometimes, when it’s particularly blustery outside, car engines just don’t want to fire up first thing in the morning. The colder the weather, the more the engine resists turning over. There’s very little motivation for the car to work as it should.  The same is true for […]

5 Ways To Keep Company Culture Up During the Holidays


The 2020 Holiday Season: A new benchmark in difficult leadership. While you may have effectively trained your team in video conferencing, keeping them satisfied in their roles is the next-level challenge. Maintaining a positive environment in an increasingly virtual workplace is the next great obstacle. Try these strategies to keep morale up during the holidays. […]

What Do You Offer Skilled Employees Who Aren’t Happy in Their Job?


You see your employees every day, and you can tell when something’s not right. If your company is going through some changes or seeing a change in workflow, a great leader can evaluate what negatively impacts his/her team. Whether it’s tough clients, organizational shifts, or tension among staff, you have to be ready to handle […]

Keeping the Workplace Fresh: How to Reduce Turn-over in Young Employees


Is your company noticing a higher than average rate of young employees leaving for other opportunities? The newest generation of workers, known as the “Millennials” is a challenging group of workers who have an entirely different set of work interests and abilities. It is true that this younger group of employees does require a different […]