How Should You Be Managing Temporary or Contract Employees?


Managing Temporary or Contract Employees

Hiring with your back against the wall is a dangerous practice. You’ll be reckless during interviews and desperate to get someone started in a hurry. This comes with consequences. Often hiring once you are already short-staffed can lead to poor retention and poor fit. Your team relies on effective cooperation, so accurate hiring and team […]

Six Ways to Stall Your Job Search


It’s a jungle out there in the wild, wild world of job searches these days. With so much competition and so few jobs to be had, the last thing you want to do is sabotage your job search efforts. That’s why it’s important to know these six things you might be doing that can really […]

Four Ways the Job Search has Changed Post Recession


The most recent recession may be on the mend, but the effects of the recession have remained in the country’s job market. Job seekers are now experiencing the many differences in how employers are recruiting employees, and how difficult it is to get a good job, even when they are completely qualified for it. There […]

Best Ways to Use Twitter for Your Job Search


You’ve probably heard about all the off-the-wall things that using Twitter has accomplished in the last couple of years. It’s helped free a kid from jail in Egypt, told stories about places where cameras couldn’t go, and been instrumental in keeping everyone apprised on the hot acts to see on American Idol for the past […]

Job Search Tips for Career Changers


Considering a change of careers? Ready to do something new? Want take your life in a new direction? The job search is often more than a little tricky for people interested in a career change. But, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to get the career change you want and a new job too. Here are […]

Mobile Job Apps That Will Make Your Job Search Easier


Finding a job is difficult. That is something that has not changed. What has changed is the number of ways you can now find jobs. Consider the mobile app, for example. There are now numerous job apps available that you can access from your smartphone. That means that the next time you playing Angry Birds, […]

Job Search Tips: Stay Connected Through Networking Without Being a Pest


The importance of using social media and social networking to land a job is easy to see. More employers are using these networks to find key employees. Rather than big job boards, many employers want to network to find the candidate that is right for them in the employment pool. However, there is a very […]

How to Find a Brand New Job in 2012


2012 has just begun. Millions of job seekers are hoping this is the year where they will see a real turnaround in the job market. The problem is that those millions are competing for a limited number of jobs in a market that has been slow on growth. There are steps you can take that […]

Don’t Sweat Your Annual Review – How to Transform Your Career in 2012


An annual performance review can spark an anxiety attack in some people. There is nothing worse than sitting down, looking your boss in the eye and hearing about all of the things you don’t do right. However, instead of looking at an annual performance review as a time to worry consider it an opportunity to […]

How To Guide to the Tactful Interview Follow-up


After a job interview, candidates should generally provide some follow up to the hiring authority. It shows professionalism and makes a good impression.  Hiring decisions may not be made on qualifications alone, but also on the impression made on the hiring authority. Effective follow-up shows persistence and enthusiasm for the company. Here’s how to handle […]