The Right Answer to “What’s Your Biggest Weakness”


In an interview, you have to be prepared for a barrage of tough questions. Doing pre-interview research is necessary for any position, and you never want to be surprised by a question. The most dreaded one is usually related to your weaknesses. We know it can be intimidating, but we’re here to help you answer […]

The Best Way to Outline Temporary Work on Your Resume



Temporary work can provide great industry experience, hands-on skills, and networking connections that can boost your career prospects. But sometimes it can be difficult to sell yourself in an interview if you’ve got a list of temporary gigs. As a professional, you want to prove you have what it takes to handle a full-time career […]

STUDY: Managers are Ignoring Employee Feedback. This is the Way to Change!



Are you listening to your employees? A Leadership IQ survey of thousands of managers showed that supervisors often disregard valuable employee insight, which can directly damage employee engagement and retention. The best leaders know that two-way communication is vital to the success of any organization. Some of the best company ideas can come from your […]